The Congregational Church of Huntington, United Church of Christ, is a theologically open Christian congregation in which the inherent worth of each individual is affirmed and valued. As Paul said, “…in Christ there is no longer Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for all are one…” (Galatians 3:28). In this spirit we give thanks for the diversity in which God created us. We strive for openness and acceptance in our church embracing the richness that a variety of views brings to our congregation.

We affirm that each of us, no matter what our background, has a right and a responsibility to interpret scripture in the light of our own understanding. As a covenantal community, we also have the responsibility to support each person’s faith journey as we live, grow, learn, and change, according to our understanding of God’s call to us.

In the light of the gospel we seek to work together to support human relationships that are based on treating each other as whole persons, with mutual love, responsibility, accountability, trust and nurture. Acknowledging that gay and lesbian individuals are often alienated from churches, we wish to affirm that gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered persons are welcomed within the membership of The Congregational Church of Huntington, United Church of Christ, in the same spirit and manner of any other member.

— Approved by the Congregation on June 6, 2004.