Church Calendar

Click on any calendar event below for more info.  (NOTE:  The arrow is to SHARE the event.)  CCH Zoom Link:  Click HERE

Join Us for Worship on Sundays at 10am

Hybrid services in person at 30 Washington Drive, Centerport, NY and online.  All are welcome!  See calendar for more details.  For questions about online access, please contact us.

Support our local food pantries

Donate non-perishable food for our Huntington neighbors in our drive-by food donation bins in the church parking lot, at 30 Washington Drive, Centerport NY. Learn about our Community Outreach >

40 Day Journey of Lent

Lenten practices have varied throughout Christian history, always focusing on the development of our spiritual life. This may include pilgrimages, fasting (daily or weekly), praying, singing, retreats, and study. Protestants have viewed Lent as time to take on a practice that deepens one’s relationship with God.

This year, our Deacons are inviting you to join them in a 40-day journey of readings and prayer. We are asking our members to adopt the Lenten practice of a reading for each day of Lent with a period of personal reflection. One way to do this by following a book of Lenten readings. We recommend “Forty-Day Journey with Deitrich Bonhoeffer,” edited by Ronald Klug. Each day during Lent, Pastor Mark will post a personal reflection on the daily reading on the church Facebook page. We hope that others will join in the conversation.